YOGA classical knowledge decipher the truth that the harmony of body and mind lies the secret of health. System of prevention and cure of this classic has been proven to give outstanding results, practical, painless and inexpensive way to achieve comprehensive health, emotional control, free from distress, youthful, more supple body and soft, adds energy and vitality of the body. According Svetasvatara Upanisads, the first signs of the yoga practice is a clear mind, healthy, free from the passions, face radiant, beautiful voice and a pleasant body odor.
Today Yoga became one of alternative health practices, daily and even the increasingly popular lifestyle. People are increasingly looked at yoga exercises (called asanas) in addition to other fitness exercises such as aerobics, BL, pilates and so forth. This is because exercise is beneficial for body health and mental balance has several advantages, among them using the motion is smooth and gradual so as not exhausting and cause heart strain. Normally after practicing asanas people will not feel tired but it is more energetic and fresh, because this exercise is not expending energy but instead collect energy.

Asanas are not competitive, emphasis on tranquility and balance, a positive effect not only on physical health but also mental. Despite the gentle movements, but the asanas were created to train all the muscles in the body, even muscles that are rarely driven in a sport that hard though. That way some of the muscles that contract because it is rarely driven, restored to its original function. Practice asanas seem smooth and quiet but "nonjok", targeted at specific parts of the body called lymph, with the aim to balance its performance. Proper guidance is needed in order to obtain optimum results from this exercise and minimize risks. Exercises in the classroom with the guidance of trainer is highly recommended in the practice of asanas, especially for beginners.
Practice asanas that provide optimum benefits should consist of four stages, namely heating, the main exercises (asanas), massage (self massage) and deep relaxation.
Heating is required, especially for beginners. As an important part of yoga, asanas makes the muscles strong and flexible, so prepare to perform an essential part of yoga practice, namely asanas. Warm up thoroughly. Stretch your legs, hips, spine, arms, neck, until the eye muscles.
There are hundreds of thousands of kinds of yoga poses that have been created by the yogis. Of course we do not need to master all the poses to get the benefits of yoga. Actually, if we master the poses a little, say 50-10 range, but we practice it regularly and seriously, the benefits of asanas we can still enjoy.
Massage is an ideal way to end the practice of asanas that nourish it. Massage stimulates all the nerve ending at the surface of the body, in other words merangsangseluruh nervous system. This section also harmonize the aura that surrounds our bodies. Another benefit is the massage relaxes the muscles optimally, improving blood circulation, thus preventing infections caused by injury, and also improve general health. (Approximately 10 minutes)
Many practitioners of yoga, asanas in particular, assume that relaxation is the most fun in your yoga practice. Relaxation of the whole body relaxes and calms the mind, as well as lowering blood pressure. Even for just a few minutes to relax, there has been a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate dramatically, and the reduction of stress on the heart. In yoga, we use, shavasana 'during deep relaxation. We are lying with your back flat on the floor. Place your hands naturally at your sides, palms facing up. Fingers may be slightly curved naturally. Eyes closed. Keep all parts of the body, even though the eye ball, not moving. Concentrate on breathing, in conditions of peace which is refreshing. Remain in that position for 10 minutes, or as long as you like.