Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Can't Stop Smoking, Start Drinking Tea...

Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven't cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, "I am a smoker." If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.

It came to me one afternoon, when I was trying to fight off a sore throat, and I held my pipe in my left hand, and searched for my lighter with my right... I shouldn't be doing this. I have had this sore throat for a week, and I can't stop smoking.

Well, the truth was the truth, and I really didn't have intentions of stopping... Slowing down, yes; stopping, no. Though this moment was quick, it was important, as it was then that I accepted my fait. And more importantly, was now able to balance the scales.

Smoking makes you look old, smoking causes cancer, smoking smells, smoking makes your teeth yellow, and a million other STOP SMOKING ads rushed through my head...

I accepted them all...

Ok, now what... Well, I began to think. With a sore throat nagging me at the moment, I decided to attack this enemy first. Mouth wash, medicine, vitamins; I found these were all good ideas. But although I was helping the issue, my throat still hurt, and I was beginning to cough.

Perhaps the coughing was a blessing in disguise as I reached for cup of tea to help stop a fit of coughs. The steam helped me breathe, and the hot water cleared my throat. If nothing else, this experience got me thinking.

I looked further into the matter, as I of course stepped up my tea intake.

I found out that drinking tea, Rooibos Tea and Jasmine Green Tea in particular, will help me to relax (calming down my nerves), contain large amounts of anti oxidants to fight against the increased level of free radicals in my body from smoking (the cause aging skin and of course, Cancer), clean my body of toxins, help me breathe, and help my previously mentioned sore throat. I looked at this list, and the STOP SMOKING ads returned...

Could it be that a pot of tea was a helpful accessory walking down this smokey path?? From personal experience, I have found that tea helps. And NO, I do not think drinking tea will protect me from all ailments, or that I will never get sick again, or I will avoid any other ill drawn fait that may await me, but with certain facts that I had to accept, I can only do my best to minimize the damage. And as I end this article with no promises, I will restate a simply written statement that proves itself time and time again, "Drinking tea is a good idea... "

Author Bio
Along with writing, David Giusti is the owner of Sabaidi Tea Co., Ltd., www.sabaidi.net, a company that exports Handmade Gourmet Tea Bags and Gift boxes and other specialties from Bangkok, Thailand. You can read more on the company's home page at www.Sabaidi.net

By: David Giusti

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011


Read about mesothelioma causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment, staging, survival rates and life expectancy find out about pleural mesothelioma, cancer caused by. Mesothelioma- asbestos cancer treatment, symptoms, types, online mesothelioma cancer research tool mesothelioma plus is your in-depth online research tool for malignant mesothelioma and other forms of cancer by. Mesothelioma cancer net - doctor-approved cancer information they say there is no correletion between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cancer difference between mesothelioma and asbestosis all about early stage diagnosis. Malignant mesothelioma home page - national cancer institute contact a weitz & luxenberg mesothelioma lawyer for a free case review. Mesothelioma mesothelioma information on treatments and symptoms full resources including news and information regarding mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma lawyer weitz & luxenberg background mesotheliomas form a spectrum of tumors that usually arise in the pleura or in the abdominal cavity the malignant tumors arising within the pleura. Mesothelioma information about malignant mesothelioma treatment, causes, clinical trials, and other topics from the national cancer institute. Mesothelioma causes, symptoms, staging, prevention and treatment enter new channel detail here home > cancer types > mesothelioma published on: 8 jun 2007. What is mesothelioma mesothelioma - an introduction mesothelioma health has been dedicated to delivering the most comprehensive and complete mesothelioma information on the web.

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Yoga for health

YOGA classical knowledge decipher the truth that the harmony of body and mind lies the secret of health. System of prevention and cure of this classic has been proven to give outstanding results, practical, painless and inexpensive way to achieve comprehensive health, emotional control, free from distress, youthful, more supple body and soft, adds energy and vitality of the body. According Svetasvatara Upanisads, the first signs of the yoga practice is a clear mind, healthy, free from the passions, face radiant, beautiful voice and a pleasant body odor.

Today Yoga became one of alternative health practices, daily and even the increasingly popular lifestyle. People are increasingly looked at yoga exercises (called asanas) in addition to other fitness exercises such as aerobics, BL, pilates and so forth. This is because exercise is beneficial for body health and mental balance has several advantages, among them using the motion is smooth and gradual so as not exhausting and cause heart strain. Normally after practicing asanas people will not feel tired but it is more energetic and fresh, because this exercise is not expending energy but instead collect energy.

Asanas are not competitive, emphasis on tranquility and balance, a positive effect not only on physical health but also mental. Despite the gentle movements, but the asanas were created to train all the muscles in the body, even muscles that are rarely driven in a sport that hard though. That way some of the muscles that contract because it is rarely driven, restored to its original function. Practice asanas seem smooth and quiet but "nonjok", targeted at specific parts of the body called lymph, with the aim to balance its performance. Proper guidance is needed in order to obtain optimum results from this exercise and minimize risks. Exercises in the classroom with the guidance of trainer is highly recommended in the practice of asanas, especially for beginners.

Practice asanas that provide optimum benefits should consist of four stages, namely heating, the main exercises (asanas), massage (self massage) and deep relaxation.

Heating is required, especially for beginners. As an important part of yoga, asanas makes the muscles strong and flexible, so prepare to perform an essential part of yoga practice, namely asanas. Warm up thoroughly. Stretch your legs, hips, spine, arms, neck, until the eye muscles.

There are hundreds of thousands of kinds of yoga poses that have been created by the yogis. Of course we do not need to master all the poses to get the benefits of yoga. Actually, if we master the poses a little, say 50-10 range, but we practice it regularly and seriously, the benefits of asanas we can still enjoy.

Massage is an ideal way to end the practice of asanas that nourish it. Massage stimulates all the nerve ending at the surface of the body, in other words merangsangseluruh nervous system. This section also harmonize the aura that surrounds our bodies. Another benefit is the massage relaxes the muscles optimally, improving blood circulation, thus preventing infections caused by injury, and also improve general health. (Approximately 10 minutes)

Many practitioners of yoga, asanas in particular, assume that relaxation is the most fun in your yoga practice. Relaxation of the whole body relaxes and calms the mind, as well as lowering blood pressure. Even for just a few minutes to relax, there has been a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate dramatically, and the reduction of stress on the heart. In yoga, we use, shavasana 'during deep relaxation. We are lying with your back flat on the floor. Place your hands naturally at your sides, palms facing up. Fingers may be slightly curved naturally. Eyes closed. Keep all parts of the body, even though the eye ball, not moving. Concentrate on breathing, in conditions of peace which is refreshing. Remain in that position for 10 minutes, or as long as you like.

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


Mesothelioma is a disease most common type of cancer that arises in the pleura, or lining surrounding the lungs. Also can occur in a row along the belly and heart.

Mesothelioma Doctors divide into several types based on the section where the cancer occurred.

Among others:

Malignant pleural mesothelioma, occurs in tissues that line around the lungs and is the most common type.
Peritoneal mesothelioma, occurring in tissues that line the stomach.
Pericardial mesothelioma, occurring in the tissue lining around the heart.
Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis, occurs in the lining around the testicles.
The early symptoms of mesothelioma disease patients usually complain of shortness of breath, cough and chest pain. Other symptoms appear simultaneously with increasing stage of disease. As the disease progresses shortness of breath increased, whereas body weight and decreased appetite.

Cause of Mesothelioma cancer itself is not known but researchers believe that this cancer may occur due to a combination of several factors, such as heredity, environment, health condition and lifestyle.

Many people suffering from mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos fibers while working at places such as:

Factory worker
Factory electronic components
Making tracks
Construction workers

For it can be avoided by:

Following standard safety regulations.
Do not use objects that contain asbestos in your environment

Karina by Jokarwilis Slideshow

Karina by Jokarwilis Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Karina by Jokarwilis Slideshow ★ to Jakarta. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Even Tears of Blood

Nosebleeds for the Gita Maharani really pour trauma. Repeatedly occurs, blood streaming from her nose holes do not stop a few days. In fact, for most people, with cotton or blockage can also betel leaf, blood was clogged in minutes. "If somebody told me cry blood, he actually experienced it," said Onny, mother Gita, at his home in the area of ​​Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, last week. We met Tempo, Gita sat flanked by her mother, and Muhammad al-Amin, his father.

Blood discharge from the eyelid Gita occurs in the beginning he entered junior high school, four years ago. At that time, two nostrils Gita has closed with cotton tampons and bandaged. But the blood from his nose to find another way out. Gita was treated at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. "That's the most difficult experience I forget," said Gita, now 16 years old.

Extra bleeding also occur when Gita experienced first menstruation at the age of 13 years, and at three times the next menstruation. Flood lumpy blood more than a week continues to occur until the Gita should be treated in hospital. In fact he had been in a coma because of this period. Gita suffered only stopped after the physician inserting fluid blood clotting (cryo) into his body.

"Based on laboratory results, doctors diagnose Gita von Willebrand disease," said Al-Amin. This disease occurs, according to Professor Djajadiman Gatot, Chief of Integrated Service Center Hemophilia RSCM, if one is lack of protein in the blood, commonly called Von factor Willebrandnama doctor from Finland (Erik von Willebrand factor) that unravel this problem in 1925.

Medical world as a disease called Von Willebrand descent, although in some cases, allegations were not always true. Gita for instance. Onny and Al-Amin admitted to not suffer from the disease.

The World Federation of Hemophilia mention the prevalence of von Willebrand factor is 1 per 1,000. Because the symptoms are very mild, many people do not know brought her this disease. Von Willebrand attack more women than men.

Because the case starting weight, every time Gita hospitalized, whether or menstrual bleeding, Al-Amin, private employees in the field deployment of Indonesian workers, have reached koceknya tens to hundreds of millions of rupiah. To prevent sweet black girl was not having periods that never finished, the doctor injects the hormone Leuprorelin acetate. Now, even though it had stopped hormone injected, said Gita, student class I SMA Negeri 71 Jakarta, "I'm not menstruating anymore."

For people with von Willebrand factor, since little too easy Gita suffered bruising and swelling if his body hit something. If he is too tired, swelling and pain in joints, such as the elbow or knee, is also often appear. To be no more severe pain, he hastened to take medicine and compress the joint traneksamat acid with ice (icepack). After the pain and swelling disappeared, Gita could move again. At school, he attended all lessons, except sports.

According Onny, since high school, Gita was no longer bleeding, while menstrual yet emerged. He hopes his son's condition is getting stronger. Because, if Gita should be hospitalized again, the costs are huge, especially without a dime of government assistance. "We hope the government can help or even free up the cost for patients with hemophilia and von Willebrand factor," said Onn

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Habits That Destroy The Brain

10 Habits That Destroy The Brain :

1. No Breakfast
2. Overeating
3. Smoking
4. High sugar consumption
5. water pollution
6. Sleep Deprivation
7. Head cover while sleeping
8. Working your brain during illness
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
10.Talking Rarely

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

The Psychological After-Effects of Rapture Prophecies

It's May 23rd and Harold Camping spent millions of dollars on his end-of-the-world prediction, which failed, and now he's nowhere to be found. He may have disappeared, but how are all his believers coping?

While there were many parody sketches and photos flooding the internet about the failed rapture prediction, people all over America were left with great confusion hovering over their lives.

People allotted their life savings and gave away personal objects in preparation for the end of the world. Some people even attempted to end their lives so they wouldn't experience this rapture.

As we can see the end of the world has yet to come and these followers are left to cope with bogus reasons of misinterpretation and "God felt there weren't enough people to rapture."

"I feel lied to. I don't know what or who to believe in anymore," said a friend of mine who believed in the rapture.

Religion is a concept that affects us psychologically, physically and spiritually. As some of us find this humorous, I ask that we take a step back and assess how sad the situation is for these followers. This prophecy gave believers a purpose and place in the world; those believers who thought they didn't have one before. While others may feel more strongly about their religion after this failed premonition, others have lost faith in their religion and sense of being all together. This leaves a large group of people in America deeply confused about their beliefs and where they stand in the world.

Strong ideas, like the rapture infiltrate our minds and alter our sense of individuality and truth. This theory is an example of how theories and mob-mentality are even stronger than physical force.

What do you think of these rapture prophecies? Do you think people it's healthy for people to place all their faith in them? How are you feeling post-rapture?

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Mesothelioma Information

By: Hans Hasselfors

Mesothelioma in itself is one of the deadliest diseases ever to have been discovered by mankind. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to transform in a fast proliferating cancer which affects the mesothelial cells of an organ, which form the protective thin covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdomen.

Whatever is the verbal definition given out to this deadly disease, but those can never for sure weigh the deadliness of this fatal disease. It is an absolutely fatal disease which has taken many a people into its deadly grip. The maximum period of survival after the disease has been diagnosed, has come to the most of a year or two. It is worse form of cancer which is not curable. However, recent studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage then the life of the individual who gets affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched till at the most of 5 years. The treatment of this disease is very expensive but the treatment doesn’t assure life but a few more days, to procure the huge lump-sum required for the treatment, people also file lawsuits to cover the huge incurring expenses for the treatment.

The main cause of mesothelioma has been detected as to the prolonged exposure to asbestos. Most of the patients that have been diagnosed with the disease, had acquired the disease cause of prolonged exposure to asbestos. The statistics of the mesothelioma patients has revealed the connection between the asbestos and the dangerous cancer syndrome.

And usually this disease is found to affect people and workers who work in industries. Usually, industries use asbestos as an imperative input for carrying on different processes; it is being used in factories, automobile, shipyard and construction. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can develop the symptoms of mesothelioma, but the infected cells can remain dormant in the body for a long period of about 15-20 years.

But the worst par of the disease is the fact that this disease generally gets detected in older days i.e. at the age of 50-60 years and also mostly in the last stage. Thereby, reducing the chances of the individual’s recovery. So this is very necessary that people who are likely to take in much asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of mesothelioma.

Government policies have empowered the mesothelioma patients to claim for compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation. The mesothelioma victims can sue the company in which he had been employed into, for not being socially rational, but being more inclined towards the flowing profits, and not undertaking any steps to slacken the use of asbestos or using in a more protective way which has resulted in endangering the lives of the employees.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Article Source: http://articlesabout.com

About the Author: Hans Hasselfors is the founder of www.SubmitYourNewArticle.com. You may find varied mesothelioma articles in our article directory.

Allergy Awareness Month: Egg Substitutes

Having experience cooking for individuals with allergies, I realize how easy it is to repeat the same "allergy free" meals on a daily basis. After all if you have allergies which include: soy, nuts, wheat, gluten, eggs, and dairy just how creative can you be?

Let's start with eggs.

Most recently my boyfriend's nephew has been diagnosed with an egg allergy. It took a scary incident with some simple scrambled eggs to find out. As a result of this I have been determined to find every egg substitute known to man. (Or at least try!) How hard could it be? Turns out there are a lot of options out there.
Each substitute works for a specific style of cooking or baking.

I have found that yogurt, banana, buttermilk, and applesauce work as great egg replacers! For more information on specific amounts use this chart from Eggless Cooking.

Over at the kitchn they created a helpful list of egg substitutes as well which include:

• Energ-G Egg Replacer – Flavorless product made from potato and tapioca starch.

• Flaxseed – A nutty flavored substitute is finely ground flax for whole grain baked goods and pancakes. For more discussion and ratios, see this post.

• Silken tofu – Silken tofu is relatively flavorless and best used in brownies, some quick breads, and cakes. Use 1/4 cup of pureed tofu for 1 egg.

• Baking soda and vinegar – This is a decent egg substitute for fluffier baked goods. (1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar for 1 egg.)

Foodily is a great site that assists in choosing recipes without a certain ingredient. You have to be careful and look through the recipe before choosing it.
(For ex type dairy instead of milk to cover all versions of milk products)

Do you have an allergy? Have you come up with a great substitute for cooking or baking?

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Prevention of cervical cancer.

Prevention of cervical cancer.
From the Center for Early Detection of Cancer:

- After pee dry with a tissue that is not stored in the bathroom (because of the bathroom where the nest moist conditions bacteria and fungi).
- Avoid cebok water with bath / toilet, as well as excessive use of jet Flusher, because they will contain chlorine water, so the nest jg candida albicans bacteria growth.
- Replace CD min 2x a day.
- Replace pads, replace also Knickers during menstruation once every 2 hours. Wash hands first yes. - Wear good quality pads with natural ingredients, avoid the scented
- Avoid food / fruit ƴǎήƍ increase mucus production, for example: pineapple, cabbage, cucumber.
- Do not hold the vagina with dirty fingernails.
- Do not let your Knickers damp / wet.
- Do not engage in free sex.
- Perform ultrasound / uterus and Paps Smear Screening regular basis (at least 1 year).
- Avoid drinking ice if menstruation.
Spread the word to all the women who you know ..
Save WOMEN! One woman survived = one happy family! Healthy Smile! Time to alert the presence of SILENT KILLER out there! GOD BLESS YOU Prevention of cervical cancer.
From the Center for Early Detection of Cancer.

Pencegahan Kanker Serviks Uteri.

Dari Pusat Deteksi Dini Kanker:

- Sehabis pipis keringkan dengan tissue yang tidak disimpan di kamar mandi (karena kamar mandi kondisi lembab tempat sarang kuman dan jamur).
- Hindari cebok dgn air bak mandi/toilet umum, juga penggunaan jet flusher berlebihan, karena air tsb mengandung kaporit, jg jadi sarang pertumbuhan bakteri candida albicans.
- Ganti CD min 2x sehari.
- Ganti pembalut, ganti pula Celana Dalam saat menstruasi tiap 2jam sekali. Cuci tangan dulu ya. - Pakailah pembalut berkwalitas dengan bahan alami, hindari yang beraroma
- Hindari makanan/ buah ƴǎήƍ meningkatkan produksi lendir, misalnya : nanas,kol,timun.
- Jangan memegang vagina dgn kuku kotor.
- Jangan biarkan Celana Dalam lembab/basah.
- Jangan melakukan sex bebas.
- Lakukan pemeriksaan USG/Screening Uterus and Paps Smear secara rutin (minimal 1 tahun sekali).
- Hindari minum es jika haid.
Sebarkan ke semua wanita yg kamu kenal..
Selamatkan PEREMPUAN !!! Satu Perempuan selamat = satu keluarga selamat!!! Healthy Smile!! Saatnya Waspada dengan adanya SILENT KILLER di luar sana!!! GOD BLESS YOU Pencegahan Kanker Serviks Uteri.
Dari Pusat Deteksi Dini Kanker.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?

Most people present with complaints of shortness of breath. They also can have complaints of chest pain. Surprisingly, this pain is often not pleuritic; that is, it does not get worse with deep breathing. This is surprising in that the pleura (outer surface of the lung) is often involved in this disease, and most other diseases involving the pleura are often associated with pleuritic pain (pain that worsens with deep breathing). Patients may also be asymptomatic, with the disease discovered by physical exam or an abnormal chest X-ray.

As the disease progresses, shortness of breath increases, and weight loss, decreased appetite, and night sweats can develop. Local invasion by the tumor can result in changing of voice, loss of function of the diaphragm, and symptoms specific to the area and involvement of adjacent structures.

What causes mesothelioma?

Most people with malignant mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they breathed asbestos. Usually, this involves men over 40 years of age. Others have been exposed to asbestos in a household environment, often without knowing it. Interestingly, the number of new cases of mesothelioma has been relatively stable since 1983, the same time that the restrictions on asbestos were instituted by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In Europe, the number of new cases of mesothelioma continues to rise

How much asbestos exposure does it take to get mesothelioma?

An exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later and in some cases, as much as 70 years later

How long does it take after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma to show up?

People exposed in the 1940s, '50s, '60s, and '70s are now being diagnosed with mesothelioma because of the long latency period of asbestos disease.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Heart Medicine

Chocolate – Heart Medicine

An every day ratio of dark bitter chocolate could help prevent heart diseases, according to a study realized by a team of Swiss researchers. The Swiss researchers say that the anti-oxidants from chocolate could prevent the blood veins to become smaller and less wide.

The research team came to this conclusion after testing on a group of 20 volunteers, which were smokers without health problems. The subjects were asked not to eat any types of aliments rich in anti-oxidants such as apples, onion and cabbage and after that they were given 40 grams of different types of chocolate.

Two hours after consuming the chocolate, the echo-graph showed that black chocolate, with a cocoa percent of at least 74%, significantly improved the blood flow. Additionally, ulterior tests showed that the risk of encountering blood accidents and blockages has been decreased to half of the initial risk. However, white chocolate did not achieve similar effects. The researches that performed the study say that dark chocolate contain the biggest quantity of anti-oxidants for one gram than any other products like red vine, green tea or forests fruits.

Chocolate is indeed an aliment that has many anti-oxidant elements in it. But it also contains fats and glucoses in huge quantities. So, it can cause weight problems if excessively consumed.

The best thing to do is to adjust your chocolate portion to your actual weight and to the amount of physical effort you make everyday. Persons that are involved in a great deal of effort can consume chocolate without fearing weight problems. But the ones that don’t, like people working in offices, sitting all day on a chair and not doing any kind of sports are confronted with a big problem if they eat too much chocolate. If the organism doesn’t call for sweets, like it does when we are cold, tired or worn out, then the chocolate use should be reduced to a minimal portion a day.

The Deadly Disease Mesothelioma

Jumat,30 january,2010

Mesothelioma is one of the most deadly disease ever found by man. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to change in rapid proliferation of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells of organs, which form a thin protective covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdomen
Mesothelioma in itself is one of the deadliest diseases ever to have been discovered by mankind. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to transform in a fast proliferating cancer which affects the mesothelial cells of an organ, which form the protective thin covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdomen.
Whatever is the verbal definition given out to this deadly disease, but those can never for sure weigh the deadliness of this fatal disease. It is an absolutely fatal disease which has taken many a people into its deadly grip. The maximum period of survival after the disease has been diagnosed, has come to the most of a year or two. It is worse form of cancer which is not curable. However, recent studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage then the life of the individual who gets affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched till at the most of 5 years. The treatment of this disease is very expensive but the treatment doesn’t assure life but a few more days, to procure the huge lump-sum required for the treatment, people also file lawsuits to cover the huge incurring expenses for the treatment.
The main cause of mesothelioma has been detected as to the prolonged exposure to asbestos. Most of the patients that have been diagnosed with the disease, had acquired the disease cause of prolonged exposure to asbestos. The statistics of the mesothelioma patients has revealed the connection between the asbestos and the dangerous cancer syndrome.
And usually this disease is found to affect people and workers who work in industries. Usually, industries use asbestos as an imperative input for carrying on different processes; it is being used in factories, automobile, shipyard and construction. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can develop the symptoms of mesothelioma, but the infected cells can remain dormant in the body for a long period of about 15-20 years.
But the worst par of the disease is the fact that this disease generally gets detected in older days i.e. at the age of 50-60 years and also mostly in the last stage. Thereby, reducing the chances of the individual’s recovery. So this is very necessary that people who are likely to take in much asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of mesothelioma.
Government policies have empowered the mesothelioma patients to claim for compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation. The mesothelioma victims can sue the company in which he had been employed into, for not being socially rational, but being more inclined towards the flowing profits, and not undertaking any steps to slacken the use of asbestos or using in a more protective way which has resulted in endangering the lives of the employees.


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