It's May 23rd and Harold Camping spent millions of dollars on his end-of-the-world prediction, which failed, and now he's nowhere to be found. He may have disappeared, but how are all his believers coping?
While there were many parody sketches and photos flooding the internet about the failed rapture prediction, people all over America were left with great confusion hovering over their lives.
People allotted their life savings and gave away personal objects in preparation for the end of the world. Some people even attempted to end their lives so they wouldn't experience this rapture.
As we can see the end of the world has yet to come and these followers are left to cope with bogus reasons of misinterpretation and "God felt there weren't enough people to rapture."
"I feel lied to. I don't know what or who to believe in anymore," said a friend of mine who believed in the rapture.
Religion is a concept that affects us psychologically, physically and spiritually. As some of us find this humorous, I ask that we take a step back and assess how sad the situation is for these followers. This prophecy gave believers a purpose and place in the world; those believers who thought they didn't have one before. While others may feel more strongly about their religion after this failed premonition, others have lost faith in their religion and sense of being all together. This leaves a large group of people in America deeply confused about their beliefs and where they stand in the world.
Strong ideas, like the rapture infiltrate our minds and alter our sense of individuality and truth. This theory is an example of how theories and mob-mentality are even stronger than physical force.
What do you think of these rapture prophecies? Do you think people it's healthy for people to place all their faith in them? How are you feeling post-rapture?
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