Prevention of cervical cancer.
From the Center for Early Detection of Cancer:
- After pee dry with a tissue that is not stored in the bathroom (because of the bathroom where the nest moist conditions bacteria and fungi).
- Avoid cebok water with bath / toilet, as well as excessive use of jet Flusher, because they will contain chlorine water, so the nest jg candida albicans bacteria growth.
- Replace CD min 2x a day.
- Replace pads, replace also Knickers during menstruation once every 2 hours. Wash hands first yes. - Wear good quality pads with natural ingredients, avoid the scented
- Avoid food / fruit ƴǎήƍ increase mucus production, for example: pineapple, cabbage, cucumber.
- Do not hold the vagina with dirty fingernails.
- Do not let your Knickers damp / wet.
- Do not engage in free sex.
- Perform ultrasound / uterus and Paps Smear Screening regular basis (at least 1 year).
- Avoid drinking ice if menstruation.
Spread the word to all the women who you know ..
Save WOMEN! One woman survived = one happy family! Healthy Smile! Time to alert the presence of SILENT KILLER out there! GOD BLESS YOU Prevention of cervical cancer.
From the Center for Early Detection of Cancer.
Pencegahan Kanker Serviks Uteri.
Dari Pusat Deteksi Dini Kanker:
- Sehabis pipis keringkan dengan tissue yang tidak disimpan di kamar mandi (karena kamar mandi kondisi lembab tempat sarang kuman dan jamur).
- Hindari cebok dgn air bak mandi/toilet umum, juga penggunaan jet flusher berlebihan, karena air tsb mengandung kaporit, jg jadi sarang pertumbuhan bakteri candida albicans.
- Ganti CD min 2x sehari.
- Ganti pembalut, ganti pula Celana Dalam saat menstruasi tiap 2jam sekali. Cuci tangan dulu ya. - Pakailah pembalut berkwalitas dengan bahan alami, hindari yang beraroma
- Hindari makanan/ buah ƴǎήƍ meningkatkan produksi lendir, misalnya : nanas,kol,timun.
- Jangan memegang vagina dgn kuku kotor.
- Jangan biarkan Celana Dalam lembab/basah.
- Jangan melakukan sex bebas.
- Lakukan pemeriksaan USG/Screening Uterus and Paps Smear secara rutin (minimal 1 tahun sekali).
- Hindari minum es jika haid.
Sebarkan ke semua wanita yg kamu kenal..
Selamatkan PEREMPUAN !!! Satu Perempuan selamat = satu keluarga selamat!!! Healthy Smile!! Saatnya Waspada dengan adanya SILENT KILLER di luar sana!!! GOD BLESS YOU Pencegahan Kanker Serviks Uteri.
Dari Pusat Deteksi Dini Kanker.
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